
Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Please join us for any/ all of the Holy Week liturgies happening at the Cathedral. Save these dates and times on your calendars! Palm Sunday March 25: Regular Mass times. 5:15pm Saturday Vigil, 7am, 9am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm Spanish, 5:15pm. **Bishop Dolan will be the celebrant at the 9am and 10:30am** Holy Thursday March 29:… Read more »

Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood

Prayer for Vocations O God, Father of all Mercies, Provider of a bountiful Harvest, send Your Graces upon those You have called to gather the fruits of Your labor; preserve and strengthen them in their lifelong service of you. Open the hearts of Your children that they may discern Your Holy Will; inspire in them… Read more »

Annual Catholic Appeal

Fr. Pat will be speaking at all the Masses this weekend about the Annual Catholic Appeal. As Bishop John Dolan reminded us in the video, we cannot give what we have not first received, and if we are honest with ourselves, we have received blessings from God through this diocese in great abundance. Please take… Read more »

Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule

Ash Wednesday is just around the corner –Wednesday, February 14. Please join us for one of the following Masses: 7:00 am (Bilingual) 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm (Bilingual) 5:00 pm (Bilingual)

Young Adult Ministry Hosts 2nd Annual Paint & Wine Mardi Gras

Last year, we started a fun tradition of painting and fellowship. If you’re a young adult and are looking for something to do this coming Fat Tuesday, please contact Dorinamae Cueva and save your spot today! Hope you see you there!

Blessed Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord!

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord! Maybe some of you are taking down your Christmas decorations today and maybe some of you will wait until next weekend and maybe there’s a handful of you who keep your string lights on all year long… but let’s always keep that spirit… Read more »

Christmas Mass Schedule

Fourth Sunday of Advent December 24: 7:00am; 9:00am; 11:00am; 1:00pm (Spanish) Sunday Christmas Eve December 24: 4:00pm (Family Mass); 6:00pm; 10:00pm (Bilingual) Christmas Day December 25: 7:00am; 9:00am; 11:00am; 1:00pm (Spanish) Some other things to note during the next couple weeks. Friday, December 22nd at 11am, we will close our parish office and will not reopen… Read more »

Advent Penance Services

Celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation is a wonderful way to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus on Christmas. Please feel free to save a picture of this schedule into your phone so that you have it handy on our Facebook for some age or life stage specific examinations.

Happy Thanksgiving!

From our Staff to you, we wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Day Mass & Office Schedule

We will only have one Mass at 9am on Thursday, November 23rd and one Mass on Friday, November 24th at 9am. There will not be a 7am or 12:07pm Mass on either of these days. Also, the parish office will be closed on both of these days so please plan accordingly. Thank you!