- 08/29/2018
- 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- St. Joseph Cathedral
1535 Third Ave.
San Diego, CA 92101
When there is a fifth Wednesday of the month, the young adults will be meeting for a peaceful rosary in front of Planned Parenthood. We aren’t there to start arguments, just to pray. Please meet us at the rectory at 6:30pm, then from there we will go over to the Planned Parenthood on First Ave and pray a rosary together. It is important for all Christians to stand up for life no matter how uncomfortable it might be for us. The child in the womb does not have a voice, so we need to be their big sisters and brothers in Christ and stick up for them. Young adults have a great advantage to change the dangerous culture of death into the loving, healing culture of life. Please contact Dorinamae at dorinamae@sdcathedral.org for more details. Please prayerfully consider joining us.