- 11/22/2018
- All Day
- St. Joseph Cathedral
1535 Third Ave.
San Diego, CA 92101
Here’s a video our staff made last year about what they were all thankful for. Usually around this time of the year, we start making lists of what we are thankful for, what we have learned, who we should reach out to. Join us for Mass on Thursday, November 22nd, as we join in thanksgiving to God for the marvelous things He has done for us this year. We are undeserving of all of these blessings so it is right to give God thanks! We will only have one Mass on the day of Thanksgiving at 9am. At this Mass we will also be blessed your family’s dinner bread you’ll be sharing for Thanksgiving so please bring those with you. We will have a table set up by the altar. Our parish office will be closed this day and Friday the 23rd so our staff can enjoy the holiday weekend with their families. Blessed Thanksgiving to you all, and please know that you are all a blessing to us all! Peace!