- 12/19/2019
- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
- St. Joseph Cathedral
1535 Third Ave.
San Diego, CA 92101
Please join us for this annual novena of Masses as we prepare for the miracle of the Incarnation of God! Simbang Gabi is a beautiful tradition that begun in the Philippines and is now celebrated in communities around the world! Our Simbang Gabi Masses will begin on Sunday, December 15th. On the days that fall on weekends (12/15, 12/21, 12/22), Masses will be at 5:15pm. All other Masses will be at 7pm. Immediately following the Mass, all are welcome to join us for fellowship and food downstairs in the Cathedral Cafe. The tradition was started in the Philippines but the Masses will be in English. This novena is one of a kind and will be something you might want to start as a tradition in your own families! Hope to see many of you there!