- 06/11/2017
- 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
- Holy Family Center
1428 4th Ave
San Diego, Ca 92101
Sun June 11, 6:30 PM, right after 5:15 PM Mass, in the Cathedral Auditorium
Admission and Popcorn are always free. Hotdogs available for $1. Film lasts 190 minutes.
Watch the trailer below.
What an incredible life story! Kidnapped by slave traders before she was nine, bought and sold seven times, “given” to an Italian family, she was finally freed through the intervention of Catholic Nuns. Free at last, she became a nun, and eventually, a saint. Dying in 1947, she was canonized in 2000 by St. John Paul II.
Admission and popcorn are always free. Hot Dogs available for $1.
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