- 05/06/2017
- 9:30 am - 10:30 am
- St. Joseph Cathedral
1535 Third Ave.
San Diego, CA 92101
Please join us on Saturday, May 6th at 9:30am for a very special Confirmation Mass with Bishop McElroy at St. Joseph Cathedral. What a beautiful time to receive the Holy Spirit in the Easter Season! If you are able to come, please plan to arrive earlier as the pews may fill up. If you cannot join us, please pray for our teens and adults who will be receiving the sacrament. May the Holy Spirit guide all newly confirmed to remain close to the Church always and to give themselves in service to Her. We praise God for this beautiful sacrament and for all our newly confirmed of St. Joseph Cathedral!
Please note: there will NOT be a 9:00am Mass on this day only. Regular Mass schedule will resume next week. Thank you for your understanding.