It’s no wonder why, in Italy, Father’s Day is celebrated on the feast of St. Joseph! St. Joseph was and is a true model of fatherhood. He stood up for what was good and just according to God’s standards. He defended the family God entrusted to his care. He wasn’t too prideful to take Mary and her Son into his home even knowing he would never be the true biological father of the boy. He provided for and built a home for the Holy Family. He was a humble, hard-working carpenter who loved God with all his heart, mind, and soul. He stayed centered on the Lord and made sure his family also remained faithful to the One and Only source of real joy. St. Joseph, our patron Saint, we praise God for the gift of your fatherhood. Please pray for each of us prodigal sons and daughters of God that we might find our way back Home. Please teach us how to walk, as you taught the child Jesus, ever closer to our Heavenly Father. Please guide us when we are lost and, at the moment of our death, please put in a good word for us with Jesus. You are a good measure of how a father and disciple of Christ should be. Thank you for modeling humility to us and we hope to make you, Jesus, Mary, and our Heavenly Father proud always. St. Joseph, pray for us.