Catechists are often the unsung heroes of a parish. For the amount of voluntary, unpaid work they do, they are often in and out of our classrooms without being given any proper appreciation. Today, we recognize you and all the hours of work you dedicate to our program! School teachers can take credit for teaching our children Math, English, Science, Art… but you, our Catechists, teach our childrenĀ about the undying, unchanging love and mercy of God. You love them with patience and understanding. You are a role model of how to live a life of faith. On top of your own jobs and obligations with your own families, you come to meet our children where they are and lovingly lead them closer to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, we take time to pray for you and to say thank you for all you do for our kids. Your hard work does not go unnoticed by God. THANK YOU!