Last night was a full house at our parish movie night. We counted about 135 heads at some point and then lost count –WOW! To God be the glory. The movie screened was Convinced. It is a documentary that follows the stories of several “big name” Catholics including Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, Abby Johnson among others and their journey of conversion to the Catholic Church. This film encouraged not only the RCIA candidates present in the audience but also those of us who are Catholic and have been all our lives. Sometimes, we take our faith for granted and go to Sunday Mass out of obligation; this documentary enriched the faith and put meaning back into what it means to be part of the Church that Jesus Himself established 2000 years ago. We were also blessed to have Donald Johnson, the producer of the film, join us for Q&A afterward. If you were able to come by, did you enjoy the evening? If you weren’t able to come, worry not! We will continue to host movie nights so hopefully you’ll be at our next one! Have a blessed week!