On this feast of St. Joseph, we greet each of you! St. Joseph, our patron saint, was a lowly, humble carpenter. He provided for his family with the very sweat of his brow. Was it easy to be the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father to Jesus? I would guess not. Feelings of unworthiness probably crept in every once in a while, but that didn’t stop St. Joseph from recommitting to his family day after day. This is the road that God called him to. This is the road that would bring him the most joy. This is the road that, though rough at times, would ultimately bring him to holiness. Our beloved St. Joseph, please pray for this parish family. Please walk with us hand in hand closer to your son. Please help us to see when life gets a little foggy. Please watch over us as your children, just as you watched over the child Jesus. Please be our foster father, too, as we journey closer to our Heavenly Father. St. Joseph, we love you and we pray to make you, our own foster father, proud. Amen.