- 10/08/2017
- All Day
- St. Joseph Cathedral
1535 Third Ave.
San Diego, CA 92101
Holy Rosary Sunday is a good kickoff to the month of the Holy Rosary. As Christians, we are not only adopted as children of the Father of the Universe; we are also adopted into the Holy Family of Jesus Christ. We are sons and daughters of Mary and Joseph! At the Wedding Feast at Cana, we see how Mary interceded for the people who grew worried about the lack of wine. “Do what He tells you”. As Catholics, we have the Rosary as a tool, a weapon, a method of communication between us and Jesus. Let us spread this beautiful devotion to those who may not know about it. On Holy Rosary Sunday, we will have rosaries available for all who may not have a rosary or may not have a special devotion to it. We encourage all to participate by either picking up a rosary on the day of and learning to pray it or by donating any unused rosaries just laying around your homes. Please drop off any unused rosaries to the parish office before 10/08/17. Spread Jesus’ love by encouraging a personal relationship to His beloved mother.